Training & Workshops
Upcoming Trainings and Workshops by Dr. Fisher and Her Colleagues
Join Dr. Janina Fisher for practical workshops that integrate mindfulness-based interventions into trauma therapy, and explore the impact of trauma on the body and mind to promote healing and recovery.
Ongoing Training
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Training in Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST)
- An Online Training leading to certification as a TIST-trained therapist and inclusion in our Therapist Directory
- Presented by the Academy of Therapy Wisdom
- An ‘on demand’ home study course with live discussion sessions that are also recorded to include participants unable to join live
Complex Trauma Certification Training Level 1 & 2 (CCTP/CCTP-II) with Janina Fisher
- An Online Course on Neurobiologically-Informed Trauma Treatment
- Presented by PESI
- An ‘on demand’ home study course on treating the effects of trauma leading to certification as a trauma professional or CCTP
Upcoming Workshops
March 4, 2025
TIST Level 1 (Italiano)
Hosted by: Formazione Continua in Psicologia
See description
Negli ultimi 30 anni, i progressi terapeutici hanno aiutato molti clienti, ma rimane un gruppo significativo di sopravvissuti al trauma alla disperata ricerca di sollievo, per i quali gli approcci tradizionali non hanno funzionato. Spesso etichettati come “non trattabili,” questi individui ricevono diagnosi di disturbi della personalità, suicidi, autolesionismo, abuso di sostanze, disturbi alimentari o dissociazione. Questa stigmatizzazione li fa sentire emarginati e incompresi, mentre molti terapeuti si sentono sopraffatti e privi degli strumenti necessari per trattarli efficacemente.
Il modello TIST (Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment), sviluppato dalla Dr.ssa Janina Fisher, offre soluzioni a queste sfide complesse, ponendo la stabilizzazione al centro del trattamento. Fondato su principi neuroscientifici, il TIST combina interventi basati sulla mindfulness con tecniche tratte dalla psicoterapia sensomotoria, dalla terapia degli stati dell’io e dall’IFS (Internal Family Systems), per affrontare le difficoltà cliniche di pazienti con diagnosi complesse come PTSD complesso, disturbo borderline di personalità, disturbo bipolare, disturbi dissociativi, alimentari e dipendenze.
- Online
March 20, 2025
2025 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium
Hosted by: Psycotherapy Networker Symposium
See description
For 48 years, the Networker Symposium has been a gathering of connection, creativity, and rejuvenation for therapists dedicated to creating meaningful change for clients, communities, and themselves.
Featuring dozens of the field’s leading innovators, and a community of over 5,000 of your devoted colleagues, this is the place to access the latest advances in the field and discover a range of possibilities to bring fresh ideas and inspiration to your practice. Plus, you’ll have the most fun you’ll ever have at a professional conference!
- Live in DC & Online
May 8, 2025
TIST Level 1 (English)
Hosted by: Academy of Therapy Wisdom
See description
Level 1 of this course introduces the Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST) method, offering a gentle and accessible approach to addressing trauma-driven behaviors such as self-harm, addiction, and unsafe impulses. Therapists will explore neurobiologically-informed techniques to help clients build self-compassion, connection, and resilience while addressing core issues like self-alienation, traumatic attachment, and fragmented selves. By reframing self-destructive behaviors as protective responses, this level equips therapists with foundational skills to foster internal collaboration and compassion, effectively supporting clients and reducing therapist burnout.
This course combines on-demand learning modules with LIVE video training sessions led by Dr. Janina Fisher. Learn at your own pace and then deepen your understanding by engaging with Dr. Fisher and a supportive community of peers during the live cohort sessions.
22.5 CE credits available.
- Online
May 14, 2025
36th Annual Trauma Conference
Hosted by: Trauma Research Foundation
See description
Join us for the 36th Annual Boston International Trauma Conference, hosted by Bessel van der Kolk and the Trauma Research Foundation team, from May 14th to 17th, 2025. Building on a rich legacy of over three decades, this event continues to merge cutting-edge scientific research with practical clinical applications.
June 3, 2025
TIST Level 2 (Italiano)
Hosted by: Formazione Continua in Psicologia
See description
Segna la data
Ti invitiamo a segnare queste date per il prossimo TIST Livello 02 Edizione 02:
Martedì 3 Giugno 2025, dalle 17:30 alle 21:00 CET
Martedì 10 Giugno 2025, dalle 17:30 alle 21:00 CET
Martedì 17 Giugno 2025, dalle 17:30 alle 21:00 CET
Martedì 24 Giugno 2025, dalle 17:30 alle 21:00 CET
Martedì 8 Luglio 2025, dalle 17:30 alle 21:00 CET
- Online
June 18, 2025
Working with the Phobia of Vulnerability in Trauma Treatment
Hosted by: New Zealand Psychological Society
See description
Abusers capitalize on their victims’ vulnerability. Without the power to escape or fight back, children are helpless in an unsafe world. It isn’t safe to cry, look frightened or voice any emotional needs for fear of punishment. Because they have no other choice than to appear “fine,” the brain and body instinctively develop habits that prevent showing vulnerability.
These strategies are adaptive in a threatening unsafe environment, but they become impediments in treatment. Years later, traumatized clients come for ‘help,’ but their phobia of vulnerability poses an obstacle for the therapist. Although most survivors of abuse can intellectually acknowledge that they were traumatized, talking about the events is overwhelming and frightening. Feeling emotion or acknowledging the hurt they experienced as little children automatically leads to shutting down or intellectualizing. We try to help them process the memories and emotions only to get blocked by clients’ inability to ‘go there.’
Successfully working with vulnerability-phobic clients begins with the therapist’s acceptance that vulnerable feelings invariably will stimulate fear. The perpetrator exploited their vulnerability. Therapists need to be equally interested in how they survived. Fortunately, modern trauma treatment affords us many ways to help survivors, including those who cannot ‘go there.’ In this webinar, Janina Fisher will share strategies for how to develop strong therapeutic alliances with these clients and how to manage our own needs for them to be vulnerable.
Learning Objectives:
• Articulate the role of avoidance in surviving childhood abuse
• Discriminate intentional avoidance versus unintentional disconnection from affect
• Describe the adaptive value of intellectualization under threat
• Implement 3 interventions for increasing client ability to tolerate vulnerability
- Virtual
June 30, 2025
Transforming Trauma-Related Resistance and Stuckness
Hosted by: Cape Cod Institute
See description
June 30-July 4, 2025
Monday – Friday: 9:00a.m. – 12:30p.m. EDT | 30-Minute Break Daily
15-Hour Course | Delivery Format: In-Person or Live-Online
Coming to therapy is a cry for help, requiring the ability to acknowledge vulnerability. But for those who have been abused, abandoned, or rejected, being vulnerable is associated with powerlessness, humiliation, and violence. Almost every kind of traumatic experience involves incompetence or cruelty perpetrated by other human beings. No matter how much clients sincerely want our help, they cannot control instinctive fight, flight, or submission defenses stimulated in relationships to other human beings.
Should the client commit to therapy or flee? Combat the therapist’s every effort? Or “submit” by coming but not fully participating? Seeking help may bring initial relief in a moment of crisis but also inevitably raises doubts: Is it better to trust or avoid trusting?
Whether resistance manifests as a passive aggressive ‘no’ to every intervention, chronic avoidance, or desperation for help alternating with resistance to accepting it, the underlying dilemma is the same. What we label “resistance” reflects inherent trauma-related conflicts activated by all forms of treatment and all types of therapist.
In this workshop, we will explore the complex relationships between these trauma-related conflicts and stuckness or resistance in psychotherapy. Using techniques drawn from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Internal Family Systems, and other mindfulness-based models, participants will learn how to de-code these impasses and help clients work with them as an internal conflict, not a therapeutic issue. When we help individuals “befriend” the resistance, we become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
- In-person / Online
September 25, 2025
TIST Level 1 (Deutsch)
Hosted by: Fortschritte Hamburg
See description
TIST Level 1 beginnt am 25. September 2025 und bietet sechs Live-Sitzungen mit Dr. Janina Fisher, die jeweils von 18:00 bis 21:00 Uhr MEZ stattfinden. Diese Fortbildung vermittelt die Grundlagen der Trauma-Informierten Stabilisierungsbehandlung (TIST), einem Modell, das auf achtsamkeitsbasierten Interventionen sowie Techniken aus der sensomotorischen Psychotherapie, Ego-State-Therapie und Internal Family Systems basiert. Kindheitstraumata, Vernachlässigung und verletzte Bindungserfahrungen hinterlassen bei den Betroffenen oft ein fragmentiertes Selbstverständnis und ein geschädigtes Nervensystem, das die Emotionsregulation beeinträchtigt. Das Training hilft Therapeut:innen, die neurobiologischen und psychologischen Auswirkungen von Traumata zu verstehen, Symptome von Fragmentierung zu erkennen und Strategien zu erlernen, um Mitgefühl, innere Kommunikation und Stabilisierung zu fördern. Teilnehmer:innen lernen, wie sie Achtsamkeit, Selbstbindungstechniken und interne Zusammenarbeit gezielt in ihre Praxis integrieren können. Die Live-Sitzungen finden an folgenden Terminen statt: 25. September 2025, 23. Oktober 2025, 6. November 2025, 4. Dezember 2025, 29. Januar 2026 und 19. Februar 2026. Dieses Training bietet eine solide Grundlage, um traumabedingte Symptome zu adressieren und effektive Behandlungsansätze für komplexe Fälle zu entwickeln.
- Online