Understanding the Living Legacy of Trauma

This website is devoted to the understanding and treatment of the legacy of trauma: attachment failure, neglect, physical or sexual abuse in childhood, war exposure, sexual assault, medical trauma, and domestic or community violence.

Psychotherapist, Consultant, Trainer

Janina Fisher, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist and a former instructor, Harvard Medical School. An international expert on the treatment of trauma, she is an Executive Board member of the Trauma Research Foundation and a Patron of the John Bowlby Centre. Dr. Fisher is the author of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation (2017), Transforming the Living Legacy of Trauma: a Workbook for Survivors and Therapists (2021), and The Living Legacy Instructional Flip Chart (2022). She is best known for her work on integrating mindfulness-based and somatic interventions into trauma treatment. Her treatment model, Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST), is now being taught around the world.

TIST Training

Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST) is a trauma-informed parts treatment approach I have developed over the last twenty years, integrating ideas and techniques drawn from many different models: IFS, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis, and cognitive restructuring. This is the approach I wrote about in my book, Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors. TIST is now available as an online training, produced by the Academy of Therapy Wisdom. I always hoped for an approach to trauma that would not require re-living the horror of childhood. Instead, TIST focuses on how the effects of those traumatic events of long ago persist as a ‘living legacy’ carried by young disowned parts of ourselves.

After three years, we now have over 200 certified TIST therapists from around the world!

Come join us! It’s not too late to register for this year’s training because all modules are recorded for later viewing.

The online TIST training includes three levels:






Certification Program


Dr. Janina Fisher is an  author of three highly acclaimed books. Her publications provide insightful and practical guidance for therapists, trauma survivors, and anyone interested in understanding the impact of trauma on the mind and body


Join Dr. Janina Fisher for practical workshops that integrate mindfulness-based interventions into trauma therapy, and explore the impact of trauma on the body and mind to promote healing and recovery

Upcoming Workshops

November 7, 2024

I Just want to ‘Get it Out!’: New Approaches to Treating Traumatic Memories

December 5, 2024

Trauma: Understanding & Recovering with Janina Fisher PhD

Free Downloadable eBooks

Available for instant download

When enough webs of the spider join, they can trap a lion.
Ethiopian Proverb

Free Webinar

Undoing the Damage: Healing from the Shame of Trauma

This workshop will introduce participants to understanding shame from a trauma perspective — as a survival strategy rather than a response to degradation. Janina will show you how to help clients relate to their symptoms with curiosity and interest rather than with automatic acceptance.

Janina will share her vast experience working with shame and trauma. And there will be ample time for Q&A!